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Welcome to the Town of Hancock - Transfer Station / Board of Health's Online Payment Center

The Transfer Station has instituted a NO CASH policy.

Refrigerators will no longer be accepted at the Hancock transfer station. A program through Mass Save offers electric customers no-cost pickup and a rebate.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection has added textiles and mattresses to its disposal ban effective Nov. 1, 2022, meaning they will no longer be allowed in landfills. Presently, mattresses can be brought to the Dalton Transfer Station and disposed for a fee.

Electronic Check: 
You will need one of your checks with you when you pay your bill online in order to get your account number and the bank’s routing number from it.  You will be shown where this information is on your check.  Please note: there will be a $0.50 cart processing fee assessed for all electronic check payments.

Credit Card: 
We accept MasterCard, American Express, Visa and Discover for credit card payments. There will be a convenience fee for each online payment.  The credit card service provider charges the fee to your credit card.  When paying by credit card, the fee amount will appear in a separate box.  (Fee Schedule)

Need Assistance?

Call: 1-877-227-1157

Monday - Friday: 8:30am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:00pm



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