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Welcome to the Town of Heath
Community Hall Windows Restoration Project's Online Payment Center

Thank you very much for supporting this exciting restoration project of the 10 original nave windows and storm windows at Community Hall. Community Hall is a historic municipal building that has served as a cultural, social, and recreational place for the community to gather for over 150 years.

With your gift, the Town of Heath will be that much closer to reaching its matching grant goal of $17,000 awarded from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and Mass Development Council. The estimated cost of the window and storm window restoration is $34,000. Any funds raised in excess of the restoration project cost will be used for future Community Hall renovation projects.

If you have any questions regarding the fundraising efforts please contact Bob Gruen, Chair of the Community Hall Windows Fundraising Committee at

Electronic Check:
You will need one of your checks with you when you pay your bill online in order to get your account number and the bank’s routing number from it. You will be shown where this information is on your check. Please note: there will be a $0.50 cart processing fee assessed for all electronic check payments.

Credit Card:
We accept MasterCard, Discover and American Express for credit card payments. There will be a convenience fee for each online payment. The credit card service provider charges the fee to your credit card. When paying by credit card, the fee amount will appear in a separate box. (Fee Schedule)

Need Assistance?

Call: 1-877-227-1157

Monday - Friday: 8:30am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:00pm



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