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Acme Jr. (grades 1 & 2) – Session 1

Session 1: June 30 - July 11. $150 Deposit.
Questions? Call Beverly Recreation at (978) 921-6067.

Registering Guardian's Name is required.
Phone Number is required.
Street Address is required.
City is required.
State is required.
Zip is required.
Email Address is required.
Camper's Name is required.
Date of Birth is required.
Grade in September 2025 is required.
Agree to Waiver? is required.
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Checking Account
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The undersigned, being the parent or legal guardian of (Child’s Name), a minor child, in consideration of his/her use of property belonging to the City of Beverly, and/or his/her participation in programs, leagues or events sponsored by the City of Beverly, and being aware of the risks associated with such use or participation, hereby release and discharge the City of Beverly, its agents and employees from any and all claims for personal injury or other damages that I might have as such parent or legal guardian, now or in the future, and from any and all claims that my said child may have now, or may acquire in the future, as a result of personal injury or damages that he/she may sustain as a result of his/her participation in Beverly Recreation Summer Camp.

I agree that pictures taken in connection with the program or event may be used for future promotional purposes.

I give permission to the staff and personnel of the Beverly Hospital to administer anesthesia and perform such operations and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures as may be necessary.

Camp Deposit is Non-Refundable


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