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To check if open burning is allowed and activate your permit each day you want to burn, please call 781-293-9571, after 9am, to leave your name your name, address, and permit number. Burning can begin at 10 am and must be completely extinguished by 4 pm. 
Click HERE for a list of the Permit Regulations.

Burning Season starts January 15, 2023.

Coming soon:  Hanson Fire will be converting to a centralized PermitEyes Software program for all your permit needs.  Burning permits will be streamlined into the process, starting this season.  More info to follow….

In the meantime, please save a copy of your receipt, the last 4 digits of your confirmation number is your permit number.

Residential Open Burning is allowed from January 15 through May 1.  Until further notice, contact the Fire Department for Agricultural Burning Permits @ 781 293-9571.

Need Assistance?

Call: 1-877-227-1157

Monday - Friday: 8:30am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:30 am to 1:00pm



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