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Your donation to the BVEF Annual Fund provides financial support allowing us to “Connect Education with Experience.”

Friend – Gifts up to $100
Listing on website and Friend of BVEF List.

Supporter – Gifts $101 - $249
Listing on website and Friend of BVEF List. Social media shout-out.

Community Partner – Gifts $250 - $499
Listing on website and Friend of BVEF List. Social media shout-out. Newsletter shout-out.

Advocate – Gifts $500 - $749
Listing on website and Friend of BVEF List. Social media shout-out. Newsletter shout-out. Earmark your donation to your choice of 5 program categories.

Benefactor – Gifts of $750 or more
Listing on website and Friend of BVEF List. Social media shout-out. Newsletter shout-out. Earmark your donation to your choice of 5 program categories. 2 Tickets to the Annual Business and Education Forum, our premiere Networking Event!

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